Mohammad Afifi Romadhoni, a Cleanliness Pioneer in Islamic Boarding School

Rabu, 06 November 2024


Islamic boarding schools are the oldest Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia. Until now it is still make an important contribution in the socio religious field. Islamic boarding school as an educational institution has strong roots in Indonesian Muslim society. And nowadays many parents prefer to send their children to Islamic boarding school.

But unfortunately, as we know, in that boarding school, may be cleanliness is still not be the first priority. It is common knowledge that children who live in an Islamic Boarding School always have skin disease problems. Two of my children also happen to live in an Islamic boarding school. When they were in junior high school, maybe the Islamic boarding school was relatively clean, so they didn't get skin diseases.

But when they were in high school, I moved them to a bigger Islamic boarding school, maybe because there were more and more residents, so my children inevitably got skin diseases. Thank God it didn't drag on, once given ointment and medicine from the doctor, the itch immediately dried up and healed.

I always told my son to keep clean, not to borrow his friend's things, always clean the bedroom and bathroom and many more. But apparently it's not enough to keep them safe, their skin diseases keep coming.

That's why I salute with Mohammad Afifi Romadhoni who founded the Healthy Pesantren Movement in Jambi in 2017. Afif is a recipient of appreciation in the field of health at the Satu Indonesia Awards in 2019 from Jambi Province. SATU Indonesia Awards is Astra's Appreciation for the Children of the Nation who have contributed to supporting the creation of a sustainable life through the fields of Health, Education, Environment, Entrepreneurship and Technology.

Based on his experience, Afif said that facilities in pesantren such as bedrooms, bathrooms, and toilets are often inadequate, making them prone to transmitting diseases. Afif understands this because he has lived in an Islamic Boarding School. Not to mention that the minimal facilities are used by hundreds of students, so that students are ultimately vulnerable to contracting diseases. This inspired Afif to provide education to increase the understanding of santri to practice Clean and Healthy Living Principles (PHBS) in their daily lives in the pesantren.

Although the santri often hear and understand that cleanliness is part of faith, that they must maintain cleanliness, but it seems that this has not been fully applied by the santri, especially since they live far from their parents, there is no one to remind them every day.

Incidentally, Afif is also a general practitioner who graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine, Jambi University. Afif's medical knowledge encouraged him to organise the Healthy Pesantren Movement. This movement is a forum for young people who have an interest in social activities in the health sector, especially to improve the quality of health of students. Various innovative activities have been carried out by Afif and his friends in the Healthy Pesantren Movement, such as:

1. Health counselling, which is equipped with a pre-test and post-test to measure the level of understanding of the students,

2. Health-themed competitions, such as PHBS speech competitions

3. Selection of Healthy Santri Ambassadors.

4. Selection of Pesantren Doctors (such as little doctors)


Until now, more than 5000 santris have participated in the spread of this Healthy Pesantren movement (GPS). Alhamdulillah, there is a lot of support to help publicise this activity, as well as collaboration and cooperation with various parties to help spread the importance of improving the health quality of students living in Islamic boarding schools.

Afif hopes that GPS can be an inspiration for the movement to improve the quality of santri health throughout Indonesia. Santris are the next generation of the nation, and their health must be prioritised.

Although Afif and his friends faced many obstacles, it did not dampen their spirit. For example when some of the locations are so remote that they have to spend more on transport.

Over the past three years, GPS has visited six Islamic boarding schools with around 1,000 students. Their intensive programme means they have to come many times, first to provide counselling, then to evaluate the progress of the students and finally to measure real change to ensure the benefits are felt.

Afif's big dream is for GPS to be adopted across the archipelago to improve the health of all students. Let's help Afif to realise it.



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Minggu, 03 November 2024

Nowadays there is a programme for student in a school namely P5 or Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project. My school also organised an activity to show our students performance and creations. We called it Panen Karya. It is a part of the P5 activity.  Incidentally, the theme we took was Sustainable Lifestyle. And the topic is waste into masterpiece.

Indeed, in the current Merdeka Curriculum, children are invited to learn with new concepts, with the hope that the knowledge they receive can be applied directly to their daily lives. As a teacher, I am very enthusiastic about this P5 Project Programme.

                        My students and I

In this project, I invited my students to manage waste and turn it into something useful. I also explained about the dangers of waste. I gave my students the freedom to explore what waste they would process. And it turns out that most of them process plastic waste.

Most people know that plastic waste is more dangerous than other waste. Plastic is also not biodegradable. So we must really reduce the use of plastic waste.

But don't forget that paper waste is also very disturbing to our environment. Based on data from the National Waste Management Information System (SIPSN), paper or cardboard contributes 11.7% of our total waste.Although paper waste can decompose within 3 to 6 months depending on the soil conditions, it is still a nuisance to our environment.


When I found @rubahkertas's Instagram and saw her posts, it felt good to see young people who are concentrated on thinking and caring about the surrounding environment. As we all know, there are not many young people like that, right?

Rubah Kertas concentrates on processing paper waste. Recycling waste paper into something useful. So as a socio-preneur, Rubah Kertas focuses on turning waste paper into reusable materials.

Afifah Luthfiya Hanum is a young founder of Rubah Kertas who devotes herself to managing paper waste. Afifah thought why should paper that can still be used end up as waste? Whereas, with a little effort, we can give it a new life. From this simple concern, she was moved to build a recycling system that involves the wider community.

Under the Rubah Kertas initiative, Afifah collects waste paper from offices, schools and households to be processed into useful and economically valuable products. She utilises this paper waste into products such as notebooks, decorative papers, and eco-friendly souvenirs.

With these products, Afifah not only focuses on the environmental aspect, but also opens up economic empowerment opportunities for the surrounding communities who participate in the production process.


Afifah's efforts were not in vain, eventually she became one of the recipients of the SATU Indonesia Awards (SIA) Appreciation at the Provincial level in 2021. 

SATU Indonesia Awards is Astra's Appreciation for the Children of the Nation who have contributed to supporting the creation of a sustainable life through the fields of Health, Education, Environment, Entrepreneurship and Technology.

The existence of Rubah Kertas began with a Student Creativity Programme (PKM) competition that the founder, Afifah, participated in 2018.

Afifah wears a logo that resembles a fox's head with the hope that she can be smart and clever like a fox, who always never gives up in getting what she wants. Afifah hopes that Rubah Kertas can be smart and dexterous in processing waste and producing works from waste paper.

Some requirements if we want to donate our paper to Rubah Kertas include: 

1. Paper must be clean, not dry or damp. 

2. The condition of the paper can be shredded or crushed, or it can still be in the form of sheets. 

3. Examples of acceptable paper: book sheets, LKS, thesis paper, thick cardboard, art paper, paper bags etc.

So from now on if you have waste paper, let's try to process it into something useful. If you are unable to process it then the Paper Fox is ready to help recycle it. Although it seems trivial, what we do can actually save the earth and have a tremendous impact.

Thank you Afifah, the small steps you've taken really have a big impact on our environment. Let's follow in Afifah's footsteps to always protect the environment to save the earth.

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KPU kembali menggelar Meddia Gathering dalam rangka Debat Kedua Pilgub Jawa Timur tanggal 3 November 2024 besok. Seperti biasa Media Gathering kali ini dihadiri oleh ratusan wartawan dan blogger Jawa Timur. 


Media Gathering kali ini digawangi oleh empat petinggi KPU Jatim yang siap menjelaskan persiapan Debat Kedua Pilgub Jatim besok agar berjalan lancar. Mereka adalah : 

1. Bapak Aang Kunaifi selaku Ketua KPU Jawa Timur

2. Bapak Nur Salam selaku Anggota KPU Jawa Timur divisi Sosialisasi Pendidikan Pemilih dan Partisipasi Hubungan Masyarakat

3. Bapak Popong Anjarseno selaku Kepala Bagian Hukum dan Sumber Daya Manusia KPU Jatim

4. Ibu Prahastiwi K. Sitorosmi selaku Kasubbag Partisipasi dan Hubungan Masyarakat.

Pilkada Jatim 2024 akan digelar pada tanggal 27 November 2024. Diharapkan masyarakat berbondong-bondong menyampaikan suaranya untuk memilih gubernur dan bupatinya. Untuk memberikan wawasan kepada masyarakat maka diadakan acara Debat agar Masyarakat semakin mengenal siapa pilihannya. 

Bapak Nur Salam menjelaskan secara detail

Kalau Debat Pertama Pilgub Jatim digelar di Graha Unesa maka Debat Kedua Pilgub Jatim inj akan dilaksanakan di Ballroom Grand City Convention Centre. Ada beberapa perbedaan dibandingkan dengan Debat pertama karena kapasitas Ballroom Grandcity yang lebih sempit dibandingkan dengan Graha Unesa. Salah satunya adalah tim supporter, ketika debat pertama boleh dihadiri oleh 150 supporter maka debat kedua besok akan dihadiri oleh 100 orang saja dari masing-masing Paslon.

Masih sama seperti debat pertama, maka Acara Debat kedua akan dilaksanakan pada malam hari pukul 19.00 tanggal 3 November 2024. Kali ini akan disiarkan secara langsung oleh JTV dan CNN Indonesia, dan juga streaming langsung dari youtube KPU. 

Seperti kita ketahui ada tiga pasangan calon gubernur yang akan mengikuti PILKADA Gubernur Jatim 2024, mereka adalah :  

1. Luluk Nur Hamidah - Lukmanul Hakim

Pasangan ini didukung oleh PKB.

2. Khofifah Indar Parawansa - Emil Dardak

Pasangan ini didukung oleh 15 partai, antara lain yaitu Gerindra, Golkar, Demokrat, NasDem, PAN, PKS, dan lainnya.

3. Tri Rismaharini - Gus Hans (K.H. Zahrul Azhar Asumta)

Pasangan ini didukung oleh PDIP, Hanura, dan Partai Ummat.


Para panelis terpilih

Agar pelaksanaan Debat Kedua ini berjalan fair dan lancar maka ada beberapa panelis yang dipercaya untuk merumuskan tema beserta list pertanyaan yang akan disampaikan besok. Para Panelis terpilih adalah sebagai berikut : 

1. Prof. Ir. Agus Muhamad Hatta, S.T, M.SI, Ph.D. 

Ahli Teknik Fisika FakultasTeknologi Industri dan Rekayasa Sistem Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

2. Prof. Dr. Hariyono, M.Pd. 

Ahli Sejarah Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Malang.

3. Dr. Aan Eko Widiarto, S.H, M.Hum. 

Ahli Ilmu Perundang-undangan dan Hukum Tata Negara Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya.

4. Prof. Dr. H. Abd. Azis, M.Pd.I. 

Ahli Teknologi Pendidikan Fakultas Tarbiyah UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung.

5. Sunan Fanani, S.Ag, M.Pd.I. 

Ahli Ekonomi Islam Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Airlangga.

6. Airlangga Pribadi Kusman, S.IP, M.Si, Ph.D. 

Ahli Politik dan Tata Kelola Pemerintahan Departemen Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Airlangga.

7. Prof. Dr. Biyanto, M.Ag. 

Ahli Ilmu Filsafat dan Sosial Keagamaan Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Ketua KPU Jatim, Aang Kunaifi menyampaikan bahwa para panelis tersebut adalah dosen yang berstatus Aparatur Sipil Negara. Mereka telah diperiksa latar belakangnya dan juga dipastikan kenetralannya. KPU Jatim tidak menemukan bukti formal bahwa ketujuh panelis itu masuk menjadi tim sukses salah satu pasangan calon. 


Demi memahami detail acara, para wartawan bertanya kepada Ketua KPU Jatim.

Seperti debat pertama ada beberapa tema yang diusung pada debat Kedua besok. Bapak Nur Salam menjelaskan 8 subtema tersebut antara lain:

1.Budaya dan Birokrasi Modern

2. Inovasi Tata Kelola Pemerintahan

3.Pelayanan Publik Transparan, Inklusif dan Berkeadilan

4.Partisipasi Publik dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

5.Harmonisasi Produk Hukum Daerah dan “Meaningful Participation”

6.Optimalisasi Kewenangan Melalui Komunikasi dengan Pemerintahan Pusat dan Daerah

7. Tata Kelola yang Menghargai dan Melindungi Keberagaman

8. Mitigasi Bencana dan Bantuan Sosial yang Berkeadilan.

Semoga debat kedua nanti bisa membuat masyarakat semakin yakin dan mantap dengan pilihannya. Ayo kita ramaikan Debat Kedua Jatim nanti malam. Selamat Memilih Jawa Timur. Pilgub Jatim Seneng Bareng.

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Triana Rahmawati dan Griya Schizofren Pahlawan Para ODMK

Kamis, 31 Oktober 2024

Kita pasti sudah sering mendengar istilah ODMK yaitu Orang Dengan Masalah Kejiwaan. Tak jarang kita juga melihatnya di jalan-jalan bahkan banyak yang kondisinya mengenaskan. Sedihnya lagi banyak orang yang tidak peduli dengan mereka. Aku sendiri mungkin takut ya kalau mau mendekat. Ada sih niat ingin membantu mereka, tetapi terkadang rasa takut itu lebih besar. Karena seperti kita ketahui, para ODMK ini kadang-kadang juga bisa menyerang, disebabkan karena mereka memang lupa ingatan. 

Menurut ODMK adalah orang yang mempunyai masalah fisik, mental, sosial, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, dan/atau kualitas hidup sehingga memiliki risiko mengalami gangguan jiwa. Disebutkan pula bahwa di Indonesia, gangguan mental menempati peringkat 5 dari beban penyakit dan penyebab kematian. Bahkan berdasarkan perhitungan beban penyakit tahun 2017, jenis gangguan jiwa terbanyak yang dialami oleh penduduk Indonesia adalah gangguan depresi, diikuti oleh gangguan cemas, skizofrenia dan gangguan bipolar.

Jika banyak orang memilih untuk menghindar bila bertemu ODMK, tentu berbeda dengan Triana Rahmawati yang justru menolong para ODMK ini. Triana Rahmawati, adalah seorang mahasiswi ilmu Sosiologi di Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Awalnya Triana sangat prihatin apabila melihat ODMK di sekitar kampusnya akhirnya dia tergerak untuk menolong mereka. Saat itu sekitar tahun 2012, ketika Triana mencoba  menghubungkan  antara ODMK dengan masyarakat.

Pada tahun 2014, Triana bersama dua rekannya sesama mahasiswa Sosiologi, Febrianti Dwi Lestatri, dan Wulandarari mendirikan Griya Schizofren. Triana berharap Griya Schizofren ini menjadi wadah bagi anak-anak muda yang peduli dan bersedia melakukan aksi kebaikan untuk menolong  orang-orang ODMK ini. Schizofren sendiri adalah singaktan dari Sc yang merupakan sosial; Hi yang memiliki arti humanity atau kemanusiaan; Zo memiliki arti Zona; dan Fren atau Friendly yang memiliki arti persahabatan. 

Di Griya Schizofren inilah Triana memberikan pendampingan bagi OMDK yang ditemuinya. Triana mengajak mereka untuk melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari seperti sholat berjamaah, bermain, menggambar  bernyanyi, melipat kertas, dan masih banyak lagi. Tujuannya agar mereka berinteraksi dan menjalani kehidupan social. 

Triana yang lahir di Palembang 15 Juli 1992 ini menyadari jumlah dokter spesialis jiwa ataupun psikolog di Indonesia belum banyak, padahal ODMKnya banyak sekali. Oleh karena itu Triana ingin membantu dengan mendirikan Griya Schizofren ini. Berkat kegigihannya ini akhirnya Triana menerima apresiasi SATU Indonesia Awards pada tahun 2017 di bidang Kesehatan.

Hadiah uang serta pembinaan yang didapatkan Triana dia gunakan untuk melanjutkan kegiatannya ini. Triana memberikan Beasiswa Volunteer Scholarship kepada anak-anak muda yang menyukai dunia sosial dan kerelawanan. 

Selain itu Griya Schizofren bekerja sama dengan Komunitas Schizo Iso dan Teman Mimpi juga mendirikan bisnis produk lukis hasil dari terapi menggambar mingguan untuk menghasilkan kemandirian ekonomi bagi para ODMK. Agar para ODMK ini membiayai diri mereka sendiri, karena kemandirian memang sangat dibutuhkan mereka, agar tidak bergantung pada orang lain.

Triana juga banyak mengajak anak-anak muda lainnya untuk bergabung menjadi relawan di Griya Schizofren. Ia ingin mengajak anak-anak muda untuk mulai peduli terhadap masalah kejiwaan, dan mau terlibat langsung memberikan bantuan kepada mereka yang membutuhkan. Triana bertekad untuk terus berkiprah menjadi teman ODMK dan berupaya mencetak relawan baru setiap tahunnya. Harapan Triana semoga Griya Schizofren ini semakin maju dan semakin banyak anak-anak muda yang mau bergabung. Bagaimana dengan kita? Tidakkah terinspirasi melihat kiprah Triana? Ayo kita ikuti jejak Triana untuk membantu para ODMK di sekitar kita.


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